P-06-1240 Improve health services for people with epilepsy living in Wales, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 30.01.23


The response from Eluned Morgan does not adequately address the issues raised. While it is welcome that the NCIG will be developing service specifications, this does not address the very real problems that people with epilepsy are currently experiencing in Wales.


Whilst it is true that we met with the Clinical Lead for Neurological Conditions to discuss the “Epilepsy Service Provision in Wales” report, they were not in a position to action the report’s recommendations or address the problems that the report highlighted with service provision.


We would therefore welcome a response to the report’s recommendations from the Department of Health, and confirmation that these will be shared with the NCIG, to be taken into account as they set clear standards for neurology services in Wales.


We would also ask that the Department of Health outline how they will ensure that Health Boards are supported to address the issues raised in the report, particularly the discrepancies between the numbers of ESNs across the different Health Boards.


Kind regards

Jan Paterson

Wales Manager

Epilepsy Action Cymru